Sunday, May 03, 2009

Unexpected news

Still feeling a little disoriented since I came back from Shanghai.

School is over (finally). And I was still dreading coming back to sg during the last few days in China, thinking how miserable it would be to face reality once again.

And then from out of the blue, i received a call from Papa saying that he wants me to go to Germany to accompany my sis who'll be there for research work, cos sis has been unwell lately. And then i find myself caught in between the two of them - Papa wants me to go Germany look after sis and sis wants me to stay back and keep an eye on Papa who's still undergoing chemotherapy. I got a little confused.

And then the decision's been made. I'm going Germany with sis. for at least 4 to 6 weeks. I'm totally not prepared for the trip at all. We're leaving in 6 days time and i'm just beginning to get excited about the trip. I've been learning some basic cooking skills from my mom and finding out more about Germany from friends who've been there on exchange. What do i know of Deutscheland? Other than Oktoberfest and abit of Bundesliga, nothing else!


And then comes another stunning piece of news. It's regarding my job at ML. Just got wind of my boss's departure from ML. And with that come a few complicated issues. Will discuss more in detail soon.


Oh and to KY and his mom, hope everything's gonna be ok. I mean it'll definitely be ok. So hang in there and tide thru these hard times. I'm always around to share info.


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