Recent Movies - New and Old

Rating: 6/10
In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the prequel 槍王 which is better. This one's got a weird plot.

Rating: 6.5/10
For some reason

Rating: 8/10
Good performance by Ben Stiller. Don't understand why he repeatedly screwed up his chances with the girl which could've worked out.

Rating: 7/10
This movie is good for a few guy friends to watch together. Quite hilarious.

Rating: 8.5/10
You don't really need to watch Toy Story I & II to know what's going on in this Part III. Very touching and heartwarming.

Rating: 6.5/10
I like this kinda film set in the WWII backdrop. But plot seems a little weak though.

Rating: 9.5/10
Probably one of the best thriller movies i've watched. Solid performance by Leo. He's just damn good in playing this psycho-breakdown kinda role.

Rating: 6/10
I just caught this at the theatres yesterday. It's pretty entertaining n that's abt it.

Rating: 7.5/10
Also watched a couple of old films including this one. Nice scenery of Lijiang, China. Plot is touching but a bit too slow moving. But this kinda show is like that one i think.
Rating: 8/10
Another old film based on Jon Krakauer's book. It's based on a true story so it's very real...some very intense performance put up by the main character.

Rating: 7.5/10
I caught this movie by Christopher Nolan after watching Inception, trying to see if it's as good as other Nolan films such as Dark Knight and Batman Begins. It's pretty good I would say considering it's Al Pacino playing the lead character. Some very nice footages of Alaskan mountains also.
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