Being boring...

I'm thinking of how to arrange my new blog and spice things up hopefully.
Maybe I should ask myself what's the objective of maintaining a blog? For my overseas friends to catch up with what and how i'm doing? I do have quite a few good friends who're studying overseas. I don't think I'm gonna write about everything under the sun. That's just too arbitrary, but I would love the randomness though. I certainly do not want to impersonate someone else or lead the perfect life in cyberspace like pretty daphne. There isn't much about myself though. I'm no whiz kid who can share with you a new finding in science or economics and neither am i some hyperclubber who can share his experience in every damn club, every alcoholic drink and every babe he meets in this world.
I think chrono narration of daily stuff is super boring. It'll be like my Police NS pocket book where we detail every damn thing we do in 15-min packets from dawn til dusk. No criminals arrested though. Plain silly.
It's also quite hard to stick to a weekly/monthly theme. That will require too much planning. Someone told me blogging's supposed to be random and to respond to and act upon unexpected stimuli. So you basically get hit by some falling meteor and start asking yourself where the rock comes from and why it hits you. You don't wait and position yourself to be hit by the meteor.
I guess my blog serves 2 purposes. It can be a sewage pipe for me to flush out my wild thoughts or a scripture full of the screamer's self-proclaimed words of wisdom. There're a lot to mention for wild thoughts though, for a million things run thru my mind everyday. It can be a dream/nitemare I had, someone i met, something I saw or something irrational that i'm attempting to explain, each having something in common. It creates a deep imprint in my mind. It changes my life somehow and I believe it can change yours too.
I think i'd make it a point not to overwrite cos I personally have the tendency to give up reading long draggy blogs that go on and on in circles or simply do what the title of my blog says.
I had just committed the mistake that I said I shouldn't have...
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