Wednesday, May 24, 2006

today is the first day of the rest of my life.

how does it feel to be enclosed by 4 walls, stuck with two old folks at home and mentally compelled to read some poorly-handwritten notes telling you how to prepare prospective financial information?

it feels like imprisonment to me...or like being stranded on an island...or walking in a maze that keeps bringing you back to where you started....

and that feeling's exacerbated by a leaky tap...or more commonly known as a running nose...and then it gets more depressin' at the sight of the wastepaper basket filling up every 5 mins with soggy tissue.

and then comes the elixir...two paracetemol pills...and the leaky tap dries up instantly...and then i felt my feet left the felt good....could've been tempted to pop more of the p-pills and dive straight into bed, dissolve into my dreams...and perhaps wake up in another world....but i was dragged away from my bed by my moral duties....had to send my old man to his office....dreadful but I relented...

something's amiss today...really...i didn't have the energy to show my frustration to anyone... maybe just one or two bad driving manners on the road which is's the feeling similar to that when you're out of love...but then again, was i ever really in love? no energy to think any deeper into that issue.....the feeling is not one of melancholy no bad mood no's just one of emptiness.....i feel empty, right here right now....but then again maybe it's all psychologically conjured out of nothing...the unfathomable mind of Ernest at work again....

today is the first day of the rest of my life....



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