Monday, February 22, 2010

Idiots At Work

Now i can totally understand why some people get retrenched or fired apart from typical departmental cost-cutting reasons.

Cos they don't add value to the company at all. All they do is to waste people's time, they don't do their jobs properly (they make others do for them), they mess things up and put the reputation of the firm at risk....

There's a type of employee working in private banks called investment counsellors or investment advisors or whatever sexy name you wanna call them. These people are not bankers themselves (they don't have or are far from having their own portfolio of clients), neither are they assistants to the bankers (assistants or client support officers are important support people who gather data and book trades for clients). These people don't do investment research/management either. They are the mouthpieces of the investment/research guys who are ring-fenced from the bankers' clients for gawdknowswhat reasons (not every bank is like that of course).

So they basically repackage/simplify the words of the research guys for the bankers so that the clients can understand all the mambo-jumbo. Unfortunately, these half-f**k sales guys most of the time don't quite understand what investments are all about, hence conveying the research findings either in the vaguest form or totally getting the message across wrongly. I mean, come on, what they are capable of doing - the research guys are capable of doing. Why do we need so many of them to play relationship management for the relationship managers (bankers)? And guess what, these are probably the guys who are first to be asked to go in a corporate downsizing exercise. And that's cos they not just don't add value, they max out entertainment allowances and screw things up for their colleagues.

I swear if i were ever given the chance to redraw org charts, i would make sure these people stop repackaging things and better do more constructive stuff, or they totally don't exist at all in the organization.

Tmd...浪費公司的resources, 又害我少拿bonus.



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