Sunday, March 28, 2010


Break at last (had to clear leftover leave from last year if not they get forfeited)...5-whopping days, 1 and a half of which are gone already.

I was at first hoping to go on a short holiday alone, but ended up giving myself too many excuses for not wanting to get away (air tix too ex la, not worth the money la, quite boring to go to the beach alone la yada yada). If gee can do it, why i cannot leh? (but gee bo bian la...haha)

And it's really damn sad/loser if i tell pple i'm staying at home these 5 days trying to mug my CFA textbooks. But still, a break is a break. It's meant for doing things other than work, things big or small which i usually have no time to do cos of work depleting most of my time and energy.

Sigh, 看來我就得像很多人一樣,平平淡淡過這一生。也許多數人都沒有我這樣有手有腳,有精力有資本,但卻不懂得put them to good use. 有時候想,人生短短幾十年。世界這樣大,天外又有天,我又爲何不出去走走,擴大視野呢?




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