Friday, June 30, 2006

Cancer Survivor #124183532342

Ok i'm not sure if there're that many cancer survivors on this planet, let alone the total world population. Whatever the figure is, I can now officially put papa on that list, based on the 110% assurance his oncologist has given us today.

Although it's the end of a major disruption in his life, papa still has to cope with the longterm post-treatment side effects such as his chronic sinusitis, dry throat and also the psychological impact, as well as the brandnew lifestyle he now has to lead.

I can't tell you how relieved he was when dr.wong announced that he's officially released from the cancer cell (stupid pun)....his face simply lit up and you can really see a rainbow over his head. Let's hope he quickly gets back on his feet and continues living his life to the fullest.

Thank you Dr.Karmen Wong, Dr.Edward Yang, Dr.Ralph Ernest Stanley, 冯家杨医师, all those extremely professional and helpful nurses and all friends and relatives who really cared for us.

Thank you, mummy. You made me realize what true unconditional love really is. It's the TLC you showered upon your husband. It's the undying spirit you upheld in this family when things seem so bleak and crestfallen.


Cancer Survivor #124183532342 : my father.



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