Hard-earned money...
Received my first pay cheque today. And then i think it's all a plan my cousin had laid down for me.
I had to do stocktaking inside the -18 deg celcius coldroom for a few hours today, and i wasn't even properly clothed. Couldn't tolerate the temperature after a while cos i couldnt even move my fingers and all those inventory IDs were so badly scribbled that i can't even read them myself....i felt like a snowman when i came out of the coldroom.

It was literally bone-chilling and i couldn't even stand still cos my feet were numb like hell..so i went out to look for an additional pair of socks...no socks so i used a pair of gloves as replacement. Sad huh??
Gonna continue this thing for a few more days. I am Ernest, the invincible Snowman.
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