Time out...and think.

Really thankful i've such a good working committee to help me out with this. Still trying to rope in more people to join in the meantime.
I realize i've been making too much noise to my friends and displaying the emotionally-unstable side of me...well i guess most of them already know I'm like that. Emotional stability...something i've been working towards all my life...
Small achievements motivate me to a greater deal... Quite glad i finally landed myself a job attachment, and that means i don't have to crack my brain tinkin' abt what i can and should do for the next half of summer. But was quite lucky actually...quite thankful to the staff at SMU Office of Career Services for the lobang. But then I have to start work on the day of Squash Fever itself, so it means i'll be missing from a large part of the execution itself, and naturally i'm worried. So should i be exhilarated or exasperated? But bo bian also...just gonna take things as they come. I trust my squash pals will do a good job!
Mom's Day...and nothing. Haven't really decided what to get for her and it's already Saturday.
I gave her a pair of Crocs last yr...our relationship got quite bad the whole of last yr. Pls don't buy for ur loved one anything that can be split apart. They always say you shouldn't get slippers as gifts for your friends, lest you lose the friend when your fren loses one slipper....quite duh...but oh wellz...
Thanks Serene for handling all the nitty-gritty matters for the HK trip. Although i can't completely grasp all the problems you're gg thru' now, but I hope things will turn for the better. Just need to perhaps tink harder what else you can derive happiness out of...
Read this from Mark Haddon's The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. Really very apt in describing what we go thru' in life sometimes
"Prime numbers are what is left when you have taken all the patterns away. I think prime numbers are like life. They are very logical but you could never work out the rules, even if you spent all your time thinking about them. "
End of convoluted entry
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