Thursday, December 25, 2008


In the age of Internet, most of us have benefited from free (legal or illegal) downloads of music, movies, e-books, software applications and other necessary entertainment and tools of our modern lives.

Thanks to various download techniques that again and again beat the heavy crackdown policies of local internet providers and the IT laws, we are able to save tremendous amounts of precious time in seeking entertainment. We no longer have to get our asses out of the house to go catch movies at the cinemas or bring our dinners in front of our TVs so that we won't miss our favorite TV dramas. There are actually physical human beings out there in this world who are striving to spread these 'positive' externalities to all of us savvy Internet users. And as many of us (including myself) are aware, there is a large network of free entertainment providers from China out there in Cyberspace who continue to take advantage of the weak IP laws in their country and share free entertainment with the world at large. It makes it very hard whether to label this community as 'good' or 'evil' actually.

I recently came across one of these Chinese websites which thrive on the BBS (bulletin board system) technology to avoid detection by IT authorities (not for long I guess). Each free download is posted on a new forum thread, and the link for download is available only when you reply something on that thread. I am guessing that's how the webmaster generates income from all these replies through some form of sponsorships. This is much like how some site creators get paid by the number of clicks on their websites. Someone or some syndicate is obviously paying or sponsoring them for this free service they are providing. Anyone care to enlighten me on this? I am quite curious to find out.

Anyway, that website *ahem* has a good collection of CDs and DVDs which have been long out-of-production, so it isn't like any of those hip websites that're trying to target the masses by providing the latest albums or movies just so they can be the top pirate on the Internet. The operator actually wrote a note in Chinese to plead to all its downloaders to reply each thread more sensibly rather than scribbling some nonsense before retrieving the download link. I must admit I have been one of those who always reply nonsense cos i couldn't be bothered. Who ever treats a free service seriously anyway? Here's the web owner's plea in Chinese. I believe it was written with the same conviction as that of Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger who founded Wikipedia. I actually, for once, felt that there's something human about all these free (pirated or not i dunno but I remain ignorant about it) download sites.


我有点个人想法要说一说: 看了十几年的电影了,也收藏了不少自认为不错的片子,有些片子现在网上已没有资源了。现在有了贵站这个共享平台,我就可以把这些片子分享给真正喜欢好影片 的朋友。 我不像有些朋友那样直接把片子从别的网站转载过来,我的每部片子从上传网盘 编辑图片 搜集影片资料都是亲手做的,也付出了一定的时间和精力,不为别的,只为得到朋友的认同,大家只要简单回复一下,哪怕是回复系统自带的图标,也算是对我的支 持!我发的片子虽不能算很好,但最近也发现不少论坛转载了我的资源,可回头看看影片的回复,却少得可怜,也想了很多办法,比如在个人签名里留言等,可依然 没有改善,刚来贵站时的那种兴奋感觉也在慢慢消失。个人认为贵站这种运作模式,养成了许多人只求索取,不愿付出的坏习惯,这也是对发帖人的一种不尊重。




建 站的初始几个月,可以说没有任何一个网友发过贴,更别说回复了。我也放弃过,在地震的那段时间,我就把站停掉了2个多月。本来就此打定注意不在开放的时 候,我发现很多人都在各个论坛提及我的网站,大家都在讨论关闭的原因,很多人都在期待能重新开放,大家都在默默的关注着,只有当失去的时候才知道珍惜。国 人的素质确实比不上国外,光说顶客程序国外有多火国内有多冷就知道中国人的分享精神有多差,但是我相信分享的人会越来越多,国人的素质也会越来越高,永远 都不能放弃希望。但当现在分享的人开始渐渐出现,再到心灰意冷独自走开,我开始怀疑了,这样的方式还能不能继续存在下去?

说句实话,我从来 就讨厌必须回复才能看下载地址的方式,我觉的这样是强迫性的,下面的人为了看个下载地址,没盐没味的打上那么几个字,有意义吗?就得到承认了吗?我一直相 信随着时间的发展,分享和回复的人肯定都会越来越多.分享精神永远都是互联网的存在基础。但是随着流量越来越多,会员越来越高,这种状况却并没有改善。


我 对这种现状感到无比的愤怒,我甚至很想关闭网站不做了。做这个网站我花费了我所有的精力。做站真的很累,我以前的生活很简单,下班没事就下点电影看,现在 我的生活变成上班下资源,回家上传。晚上发帖,我看了看我硬盘的电影存了几十部,全是我传的,可我一个都没看过。我根本没精力去看。









The site is by the way. It requires you to download a satellite programme called raysource which is the medium of transfer of the files, which is abit laychay. Nevertheless, i haven't spotted any spyware on my comp that's associated with this satellite. And it's actually very convenient to use.


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