Friday, August 07, 2009

There goes another week

The weeks just go on slipping by without giving you a tap on your shoulders. It's scary and it may make you feel lonely and empty after a while.

7 days in a week. Almost 5 full days on work, saturday for sleeping or pigging out, and Sunday for family and for yourself. What's left of the week are the few minutes you stand by your balcony window enjoying the evening neighborhood scene and the cool breeze after a good Sunday dinner.

And when you have that little time left, you shouldn't be wasting it on thinking of unworthy people or achieving the impossible or even try going to church when you totally are going there for the wrong reasons.

Instead,there are a few things you should be doing:

1) how to bring in more money for yourself? - what stock counters to pick up for the week if markets look set to head the right direction / play more mahjong and let out your frustrations on the table in exchange for your opponents' money / go queue up at 4D kiosks and try to understand why there are so many old men and women willing to donate their CPF/savings to Singapore Pools when it's prolly time for them to spend all that's left of their money on other stuffs.

2) who in your circle of friends truly deserve more of your time? - keep the close ones closer, and forget about those who only pay lip service or look you up for the wrong reasons

3) how to lose those ever increasing number of folds around your waist? - how to make youself look good?

4) which girl you should be asking out and why this particular girl? or is it time to enter new social circles? - this is something we single men should never give up on.

5) what kind of books to read beyond those that relate to your work? - you need to remind yourself there are also other things in this world that you want to appreciate and things that you can talk to other people about. Who the hell cares what you do at work?

6) Anything that can offer you some cheap thrill, and that's cos work really kills off your energy and interest in almost anything else. So the cheapest thrill will probably make your weekend very well-spent.


Blogger Yn Ay said...

i laughed at 4! are you for real?

11:46 PM  

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