Very long nvr update blog le. These days people get so busy i wonder if they still blog or read other pple's blogs.
Anyway, i'm back from my 2 trips. And now i'm days before my CFA exam...having huge inertia to do my revision despite being on study leave this whole week (it's a terrible thing to do to go on holidays just b4 exams...but i did it anyways.)
Will probably do two separate entries of the trips when i have the time.
I'm quite looking forward to after this sunday...lots of things i wanna do...begin my weight-loss regime, my job-hunt, world cup 2010, japanese classes, cycling trips, reading etc etc.
Right now i just have to focus on nothing but passing the damn exam.
I keep telling myself there's nothing to lose....but actually i paid a grand for it. Damn i do have something to lose....
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