SMU Competitive Levels

At 0-10% class participation component of the final grade, only the best/top student of the class speaks up.

At 20% class participation levels, you typically see this number of hands in the air. Some, like Sean Spencer 同學 (first row on the right), stands up to capture greater attention. Doesn't him being angmoh already makes him stand out from the rest? Eeyer..

At 25% class participation levels, the rest also stands up and some sits on the table. Ang moh 同學 changes strategy and raises both hands. "Prof, can't you see i've got a bigger nose than the rest??"

And sometimes, class part can go beyond 25% and competition heightens. Nevertheless, you still have some students (such as Harvey Cheong, third row beside the aisle) who thinks that the ones who truly stand out are those who don't put up their hands.

Some height-deficient students with proportionately shorter hands continue to try very hard. You can tell who are these students hor? The female students, who are clearly outnumbered, strives to maintain their poise.

During the break, all students take their naps to regenerate their energy for further class participation later.

After the break, the fierce competition continues. This time round, even the girls can't take it any longer.

"Me! Me! Me! Me! & ME!"

At 100% class participation, everyone moves from his/her chair to the tabletop.

And when they have gone berzerk from the overcompetition, they turn into angels and demons. Ok, just demons.
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