Let me tell u wtf is audit...

Having spent 6 weeks with my audit notes, i must say i'm not exactly 100% prepared for tmr's paper...but i guess should be sufficient...(hey c'mon, having the confidence is half da battle won)
And even so, whatever's gonna come out in tmr's paper is really highly unpredictable due to the supercreativity of the examiner in setting questions and the borderless realm of the audit subject. Sometimes i really wonder how it's like to do a real audit...which, i believe is 90% similar to what I've learnt from my notes....and it's spelt B-O-R-I-N-G and D-R-E-A-D-F-U-L.
And then it sets me thinking how people have managed to work all the way up to becoming a partner...NO LIFE! but i rem having a quick conversation with the partner in charge of my dad's company audit...he said "you gotta like the job, no matter wad..."...tough thing to do really...imagine likening the job to pushing the button every 108minutes in the tv serial LOST...being coerced into a mundane n routine form of self-assurance (no pun intended)...and deriving pleasure from walking on tightrope where a single big mistake can cost u everything. In general, i tink it's for the less adventurous really....no realistic human being will dare dream of becoming a millionaire and leading a wonderous life the day they start working for an audit firm right from the bottom.
And then again, i'm just a student deriving my conclusions abt da subject from the past 6 weeks of mugging....being skeptical abt a possible career option when i know nuts abt the real stuff.
As of now, it's my favorite subject, my most adorned and respected profession...and whatever goes beyond will be determined after 6pm tomorrow.
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