Mommy's Mango Milkshake
With a little of my food photog talent....Taadaaaa!!......

Mango milkshake with ice-cream freshly ice-blended by my mom. I've been bragging abt it for days cos it's simply irresistible.
- Fresh Mango (plus kiwi if you want it to be more sour)
- Fresh milk
- Ice-cream (vanilla flavour)
- Yoghurt (original flavour)
- Ice-cubes
- Sugar (not advisable cos alr quite sweet with the icecream)
in any proportion mix you wish...of course the more mangoes the merrier..the yoghurt just makes the drink thicker and also a little more sour..i suppose you can mix with some nata de coco as well.
Perfect drink on a hot tropicana afternoon!
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