Term break = no break
Yes...need i explain further? in smu, there's no such week as a term break....that's why the profs love callin it a 'recess' to make things sound sweeter, jus simply cos some of them can go slack their asses off (they put up their away messages on email on the friday afternoon right before the recess week starts lor).
Term break (wk 8) = no break...simply becos there're so many things to catch up on and to do. A couple of heavy acad projects, homework n revision for week 9's midterms squash activity proposals, CIP stuff etc etc...enough to fill all 9 days of the entire recess week.. n not to forget, a day at home is always a day in paradise...it's the only time where u getta spend more time at home recuperating (the loss of sleep + all the physical n emotional injuries sustained during first half of the term), reflecting and reorganizing one's thoughts, goals and strategies. Every warrior needs a break.
And this is the time i getta go find some new/old books n read to re-establish my appreciation n love for literature works n all those deep philosophies abt life. Here're 2 books i managed to get hold of. For One More Day by Mitch Albom is a new book and was recommended by Mike, while Haruki Murakami's Norwegian Wood is an alltime classic which tw mentioned on his blog lately. Spent abt 50 bucks on both books... Dunno why also, but i'm so much more willing to splurge on books than CDs or clothes.

Meanwhile, am already quite sick of KTV-ing after 2 sessions over the past 4 days...was supposed to have another one today. I so prefer to play mahjong instead.
Where the heck is my life?
~enjoying a nice cup of coffee and listening to diana krall in paradise a.k.a at home~