Saturday, July 31, 2010

Recent Movies - New and Old

Rating: 6/10
In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the prequel 槍王 which is better. This one's got a weird plot.

Rating: 6.5/10
For some reason

Rating: 8/10
Good performance by Ben Stiller. Don't understand why he repeatedly screwed up his chances with the girl which could've worked out.

Rating: 7/10
This movie is good for a few guy friends to watch together. Quite hilarious.

Rating: 8.5/10
You don't really need to watch Toy Story I & II to know what's going on in this Part III. Very touching and heartwarming.

Rating: 6.5/10
I like this kinda film set in the WWII backdrop. But plot seems a little weak though.

Rating: 9.5/10
Probably one of the best thriller movies i've watched. Solid performance by Leo. He's just damn good in playing this psycho-breakdown kinda role.

Rating: 6/10
I just caught this at the theatres yesterday. It's pretty entertaining n that's abt it.

Rating: 7.5/10
Also watched a couple of old films including this one. Nice scenery of Lijiang, China. Plot is touching but a bit too slow moving. But this kinda show is like that one i think.

Rating: 8/10
Another old film based on Jon Krakauer's book. It's based on a true story so it's very real...some very intense performance put up by the main character.

Rating: 7.5/10
I caught this movie by Christopher Nolan after watching Inception, trying to see if it's as good as other Nolan films such as Dark Knight and Batman Begins. It's pretty good I would say considering it's Al Pacino playing the lead character. Some very nice footages of Alaskan mountains also.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Level 2: Fail


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Talking Tom Cat

Kinda regret installing this app on my mom's iPhone. Now Talking Tom Cat is parroting everything my mom says, keeping my mom amused.

Actually after a while, Talking Tom Cat does look a little sinister. I wonder whether it will wake up in the middle of the night and say something random out from the phone.

The app is available F.O.C from itunes store.

(picture source:


Thursday, July 22, 2010


Saw this book at popular...straight away thought it's very apt in describing our predicament. I think it's a self-help book...preaching all those things about how we should pull ourselves together after setbacks and get on with life more meaningfully.

I think i'll buy the book and let everyone in the family have a read...will do it when things subside.



得 不死不生。第二:重生。結果,我選擇了重生。活出美好。我發現: 當你選擇活出美好,黑暗將會使不出力勁。朋友們,共勉之!誠意分 享我的故事"。


Saturday, July 17, 2010


Times like this when i feel like if only i were older and more capable of protecting my family from external harm.

No matter what, we must fight on and give ourselves some justice.

Monday, July 12, 2010

When darkness encroaches..

All i see are dark clouds everywhere.

But at least there's one piece of gd news in the family....Sis is going to last after a long long wait.

Friday, July 09, 2010

Wants to read....

Saturday, July 03, 2010

