I was fortunate and blessed to be able to share the moment of truth with my mom, just as I clicked opened the email.

The last 2 out of 14 papers I cleared, the last mile of a long long journey.
It's been five years, during which I stumbled and fell and eventually develop the conviction that audit and accounting weren't what I want to do, for sure. Nevertheless, I've come so far down the road. It was no turning back, and there was no way I can just walked off the path. So I pressed on.
56-pass. I remembered staring at the first compulsory question of the adv.corp rep paper. It carried 50 marks, and it was a consolidated CFS question which I totally did not prepare. It was always consol balance sheet year after year. I remembered panicking a great deal in the exam hall, until i decided to just give up the paper and leave. Cos 50 marks is half the score of the paper...confirm fail mah. Then I saw all around me mainland china girls, many many of them who struggled with their poor command of English but still persevered to finish the certification. They all started writing fiercely on their answer booklets. Pride got the better of me, so I went back to my seat and recalled bits of what I learnt in FA and CorpRep in SMU, I did some creative accounting and cooked up a CFS that would eventually balance. I remembered walking out of the exam with that bitter taste in my mouth, totally feeling shitty.
I was wondering if the marker had checked on my background and realized i was in desperate need to pass the exams. It's been five years already (but of course it's becos i took the papers one by one at my own pace..SMU work was simply too overwhelming). Or maybe this kind soul has taken instructions from the Board to be extremely lenient, to pass as many candidates as he possibly could - in view of a potential global headcount freeze by all the audit firms. Not that passing or not would matter to me actually. But thanks anyway, kind soul.
It was really impossible not to fail that paper, trust me. In any case, things like that do make me believe in miracles in life sometimes, to convince me of some form of divine intervention, to lead me one step closer to believe in God's will.
I rem talking to steph that I was in desperate need of a major event that could flood me with happiness, given the conditions i'm facing at home right now. And here it comes, smacked on my face and sending me skyhigh.
One step at a time. I believe I can be a happier man.