Dusseldorf's been great so far (after only 3 days..haha)

Staying in this area called Wersten where the Heinrich-Heine Universitat is located. Lovely neighborhood, lovely people especially my sister's colleagues from the university lab. They've been extremely helpful. Thank goodness most people here can speak English, if not really damn jialat.

The 20 min stroll to the uni is really nice. Along the way there's a stream with ducks swimming around and beautiful flowers lining the banks. I believe the stream leads to the Rhine River. And then the walk beside the stream leads to the Botanical Gdns which are just at the University's backyard. I've visited their canteen where the students have their meals, looks like the IKEA cafeteria. The Sch of Botany lab where my sis works is the only place i can get free Internet. Using internet in the apartment costs a bomb (1.95 Euros per hour!).
Where my sister's lab is located is really convenient. It's 100 metres away from the university tram stop. I had nothing to do after walking my sis to her lab yesterday so decided to venture downtown by taking the tram from the university. At the tram stop, I met a German Law student who was extremely friendly and loves interacting with Asians because he learns Chinese Kung Fu and admires China very much. He brought me to walk around Dusseldorf HBF which is the main train station in town. There were Chinese and Asian supermarkets around where I bought white rice and other cheenapok stuffs. You can hardly find white reis in German supermarkets! And then the guy treated me to Doner Kebab (2nd time I've eaten that since I came). Seems like that's one of the cheapest meals around just like what they always say.

Hmm....nothing much in the neighbor except for some nice parks where i can put on my runners and go jogging. Still trying to finish shopping for groceries these couple of days. Already pretty much settled down already. We're gonna have a bicycle which my sister's supervisor has kindly lent to us. Gonna cycle around the neighborhood during the weekends to look around for more interesting stuffs and of course more groceries so that I can learn some decent cooking back in the apartment.
Am also looking at Eurail passes cos we have plans to go on several weekend trips. So far on the itinerary we have Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, Berlin and Munich. I guess i can do day trips for other German places like Cologne, Bonn, Koblenz or even as far as Hamburg. Hope sister's health gets better while she finishes up her project at the lab and there be no hiccups to all our travel plans.
Will be visiting more places in Dusseldorf downtown this weekend. Til then I will provide more updates. Hope everyone is safe and sound at home and those on the roads have a fun and safe journey also.