Friday, March 24, 2006
Let's fight on, papa...
I'm finally regaining this moment of clarity that's bringing me back into focus. There're actually not that many responsibilities and tasks to shoulder and to attend to right now. So i'm gonna quit hollering the sky is falling like chicken little and to focus on the responsibilities at hand.
My dad's resumed his chemo-treatment now with this extremely toxic drug infusing into his body...3 cycles in all...1st one's done with...and things don't look that good. All those side effects I've read about are slowly creeping in on him and it's a heart-wrenching sight to see him fighting at the battlefront again.
Imagine how Lance Armstrong described chemo as being such a difficult process that even the Alps seemed flat when compared to overcoming the terrible side effects.
Pa, I'm with you all the way thru these hard times. Let's kill this bastard crawling inside you man...
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Sado - the way of tea!
Attended some form of Japanese tea appreciation session at Chado Urasenke Tankokai S'pore Assn at Liang Court today.

It was pretty interesting to know that there are actually so much to learn about the traditional Japanese way of life through something as simple as sipping green tea. There's supposed to be a great deal of respect exchanged between the host who serves the tea and the guest who gulps it down.

And then i met the people of the SMU Jap Cultural Club led by one of the SMU Social Anthropology professor who's a japanese. And there were these 2 chinese girls who spoke japanese like as though it is their natural language. It was impressive and I really hope I can see myself with such fluency and enunciation in a few years to come.

And here's the 5-dollars' worth of tea I got to savour...just a bitter mouthful but with lots of meaning behind every movement from holding the bowl to addressing the host and the person next to you.
Oh yeah, not to forget, kneeling on those tatami was a real pain in the ass. I gave up kneeling after 10 minutes and was sitting cross-legged thru'out the whole much about poise and gracefulness..haha..
Old guy in a young man's body...
It's one of my late night blogging sessions again...and I'm here nicely resting my butt on my comfy armchair, staring at my bedside lamp and looking at all the weird stuff I have on the walls of my posters, colourful postcards, kitkat boxes and vintage ad posters.. and then it struck me that I'm really into all the old things - outdated cantopop, retro music, vintage ads, old women... and constantly living the fantasy of travelling back in time to experience my mom and dad's lives and to witness the entire process of how the monochrome world had evolved into what it is today.

And it's at the same time that I began listening to lots of old cantonese songs performed by Sandy Lam, Beyond and even Sam Hui. It's more of the early 90s exposure actually and I basically lived through my years of schooling listening to these old sappy and cheesy love songs. I could sing and play some of them on guitar and occasionally, I forgot how old I was and felt a little anachronistically displaced.
I also love to see old cars scooting along the busy cosmopolitan streets of Singapore, cars ranging from the super old ones with S or E prefixed license plates to those old Mercedez and Jaguar models that had undergone a little touching up. I would love to get an old beetle or something in the future but I guess it's best to be more practical at the end of the day.
When it comes to travelling, even though I love combing through the concrete forests of those huge bustling cities, I do enjoy taking a stroll down the quiet streets of an old quaint town. It's the quaintness that I particularly feel so special about cos it seems as though I'm walking the footsteps of my Dad or Granddad and there's this element of surprise and intriguity.

I feel like an old guy in a young man's body, but thank god I don't quite dress like my Dad. Both my Dad and I enjoy listening to songs by Teresa Teng & Fei Yu Qing though, so I guess there's still this old feeling lingering somewhere in me. And really, I would love to trace his footsteps back in time and see what kind of person he was, what kind of life he led, how many girlfriends he had, what secrets he kept, how he and my mom met etc etc ...
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Band of brothers...

It's been 3 years since Ka Chun left Singapore. I visited him a few times in HK and somehow it feels so different to have him here , and this time with finn, the love of his life. And that's only possible cos he took the opportunity to transit in Singapore for a few days after celebrating V-day with finnie in Bali.
We went for some drinks and relived those days when we used to play football at our secondary school field. His trip was pretty short and untimely to my expectation cos I was mugging for midterms then =( But it's still nice to have him here again and that would perhaps save me a trip to go HK to catch him yeah.
I hope he gets a good starting job with a handsome pay and also wish him and finn perpetual bliss.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
New book....
I just realized I still had 25 dollars worth of Kino vouchers at my disposal and the vouchers expire i was really walkin aimlessly in the Kino@Bugis to see what's worth the money...

Had Lance's second book Every Second Counts but the book's more about how he fought to victory in one of the TDFs. So I guess it'd be interesting to read about his journey towards recovery and perhaps learn and apply some things to my current situation at home.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Let's get blue...
Perfect music for the mood...
I happened to stumble upon some old mp3 collection and was listening to some really nice guitarwork by this jazz guitar legend, Stanley Jordan. I love his Stolen Moments album. It's an absolute masterpiece. Another of his wonderous works not contained in this album is Riveira De Paradiso. I can literally get high on the music. Ha...

Produced by: Stanley Jordan
Jazz trio with Stanley Jordan on guitar,
Charnett Moffett on bass and Kenwood Dennard on drums
Tracks: Stairway to Heaven, Impressions, Lady in My Life, Autumn Leaves, Stolen Moments, Return Expedition, Over The Rainbow
High energy, strong group interplay and a very enthusiastic audience, this album has lots of burnin' straight-ahead jazz. On several tracks Stanley plays two guitars at the same time (no overdubs). Stolen Moments features Stanley playing chords on one guitar with his left hand while simultaneously playing melodies on another guitar (attached to a synthesizer) with his right hand.
(RECORDED LIVE at The Blue Note, Tokyo, Japan)