Now that Spidey's subdued, he shall stop laying cobwebs all over this blog until Tobey Maguire decides to sign a new contract to star in Spidey IV.
Yes, it's been a while since Ernesto de Silent Screamer provided some real updates about himself. So let's see what's been keeping him bz for the past 2 months. His internship at UBS is finally coming to an end. 11 weeks of voluminous routine work made 2 months seem like 2 weeks. It's always gd to be occupied on the job. And let's take a look at his records..hmm...not a single day of MC, caught dozing off on the job once, 95% of the time turn up in office past 8.30am and 95% of the time stay past 5.30pm, no OT claims, no complaints from or against him. His extremely pretty boss must have kept him going. So overall, he did survive the internship! *clap clap* *whistles*...
Dear Ernest has grown fat from his severe lack of physical workout and his overload of sumptuous lunches and drinking sessions. So here's one of the latest pictures taken of him with his sis who's just returned from australia for vacation...
FaT, unshaven, shaggy looking, and still eating expensive unagi !

He's most probably eating all these to make up for the countless number of Kopitiam meals he's gonna have in school for the next 4 months.
So with the end of the internship comes a few pleasant surprises for him b4 the biannual academic cycle of misery kicks in. He's going Tioman next week for a second summer holiday (after HK) n gonna spend his 23rd bday there with 3 other econ guys on a wild sausage fest.
And since he's not spending his bday at home, his two ladies at home sprang a surprise on him with a $15.80 cake today! and what's so significant abt that? Although the cake costs only 15.80, it's his fav childhood cake and the price matches his bday, 15-08 ! How thoughtful of mom and sis huh...

Ernesto di SilentScreamer is actually feeling quite moody these days....23 yr old....direction in life not quite established..no internal stability, no financial independence yet, not much sense of belonging to his family, no trust from the family, no love interests in mind, no vigor to seek thrills and excitement, no big ambitious plans....watching himself grow old...withered and unloved. How is he ever gonna prepare himself for a career, for a family of his own in time to come? Why would any ger go for someone like him who's running low on motivation and self-confidence?
He's gonna walk out of UBS with a heavy heart tomorrow, and then go for drinks with his ex-JC frens some of whom he hasn't even spoken to in years.
Has he in anyway been able to identify who are the ones and what are the things which truly matter to him in his life?
Oh btw, today's 9 Auggies...COunt on mE s'poRE...cOUNt ON Me s'pORe...(like real)...