Inertia !
I've lost the liberty of doin' all the things I've always been doin' or have always wanted to do ever since school's started. I guess it's because of a packed schedule, unsettled responsibilities, the dying eagerness to do well for this term's mods, meeting so many people and alot of unnecessary self-inflicted worries. Get a life, ernie...just get your stuff done with and quit worrying!
These days, instead of reading some of my fav books on my train-rides to and back from school, i've been coercing myself to read my textbooks. Damn i hate tellin' myself this is the kinda stuff i should enjoy reading and then lug them to and fro school without even turning a page sometimes. And the damn locker supplier hasn't issued lockers yet and it's already the 2nd week of schooL! what the duck!?!
And I was supposed to be doin' 4 mods so that i can 'better focus on getting better grades for each of them', but something JX said kept me disturbed for awhile. He said it was just an excuse and I would end up slackin' away the extra time off my 5th mod eventually. Oh wellz, he has a point there i decided to bid for one more module - Computer as an Analysis Tool. I quite like it in fact, ha..should start coaxing myself to like all these subjects. It's just the mugging part that's damn sian.
And then there's the smu squash recruitment drive. Some of our members have put in a lot of effort at the CCA carnival aka Vivace hoping to attract more people to commit themselves to the club, but so far response has been lacklustre. I guess this is what happens in the world everyday. Businesses don't do well because they didn't market themselves correctly, so it's def gonna take a considerable amount of effort to keep the smu squash club up and going. Things should get more organized hopefully as time goes by. I especially appreciate all the efforts and support some of the members have given for the club. And here's what we've designed in our recruitment mailer:

Hmm..and very glad Dad's smiling more these days. I hope I don't get too oblivious of matters at home man...still need to psychologically help my dad thru' this difficult phase of life.
Oh many thingS!!!! Who ever said growing up was easY?
~*treasuring my sleeping hours each n everyday